Meet Our Teams:
Whitpain Township Committee Members
Precinct 1 - Polling Location: Tiferet Bet Israel Synagogue
Kathleen Sobocinski - Acting Treasurer
Vincent Sobocinski
Precinct 2 - Polling Location: Montgomery County Community College
Patricia Lorenzo
Precinct 3 - Polling Location: Blue Bell Elementary School
Michelle Chess
Alyssa Steward
Precinct 4 - Polling Location: Shady Grove Elementary School
Warren Barnhardt
Michael O'Donoghue
Precinct 5 - Polling Location: Wissahickon Valley Public Library Vacancies!
- tbd
- tbd
Precinct 6 - Polling Location: Shady Grove Elementary School Vacancies!
Precinct 7 - Polling Location: St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church Vacancies!
Precinct 8 - Polling Location: Whitpain Township Building
John McDevitt - Treasurer
Precinct 9 - Polling Location: Stony Creek Elementary School
Winnie Yin
Precinct 10 - Polling Location: Stony Creek Elementary School
Charles McIntyre
Dave Byrne - Chair
Precinct 11 - Polling Location: Stony Creek Elementary School
Maureen Bogut - Secretary
Frank Halper
Precinct 12 - Polling Location: Montgomery County Community College
Jill Lafferty - Vice Chair
Barry Lafferty
Ambler Borough Committee Members
Precinct 1 - Polling Location: Wissahickon Fire Company
Carol Ann DiPietro, Chair
Sharon O'Donnell
Precinct 2 - Polling Location: Ambler Borough Hall Vacancy!
Precinct 3 - Polling Location: Calvary Methodist Church
Brian Gallagher
Colleen Cemprola
Lower Gwynnedd Township Committee Members
Precinct 1-1 - Polling Location: Foulkeways
Walt Stankus
Precinct 1-2 - Polling Location: Church of the Messiah Vacancy!
Clint Ehlers
Precinct 1-3 - Polling Location: Gwynedd Mercy University
Eric Holmquist, Chair
Bob Nagle
Precinct 1-4 - Polling Location: Bethlehem Baptist Church
Iris Farag, Treasurer
Lynn Smith, Vice Chair
Precinct 2-1 - Polling Location: Lower Gwynedd Township Building Vacancy!
Precinct 2-2 - Polling Location: School Administration Building Vacancies!